Thank You Everyone for Another Great Rodeo!

Hello All!

Thank you to all our Sponsors & Vendors for their support and partnership. We would also like to thank this years participants for another great Rodeo! Lastly, thank you to all the visitors & guests who took the time to come out and see our participants in action!

The official results have been published, and are available for review on our event page, 2023 PNW Lineman Rodeo Results.

See you next year!

– Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo Committee

The 2020 PNW Lineman Rodeo has been canceled

Good afternoon,
As of today, we, the Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo committee regret to announce that the 2020 Rodeo is offically canceled. At this point, the committee will now focus on working towards next year and hope to see everyone back then.
With that in mind, we still have a small amount of shirts, buckles and sweatshirts available along with special challenge coins if anyone is interested. Please contact your appropriate representative if you would like more information.
Be safe, once again I wish you all well in this trying time and hope to see you soon.
Rodeo Chairman,
Joel M Wallace

2020 Rodeo Artwork Has Been Selected!

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The Rodeo Committee has selected the artwork for the 2020 Rodeo. In addition, we have 2020 merchandise available for purchase! Please contact your appropriate board representative for more details!

Wesleigh Ogle of KATU Channel 2 Visits the Rodeo!


Earlier Today, Wesleigh Ogle of KATU Channel 2 (Portland Oregon) Visited Our Rodeo! Enjoy the following videos from her visits as she experiences the excitement first hand!

See You At The Rodeo!