2023 PNW Lineman Rodeo Registration is Now Available !

Hello All,

Starting today, registration for Volunteers, Participants, and Vendors is officially available. For details, please visit our Registration Page and review the 2023 Rodeo Information Packet.

Please note, we will have a strict participant registration cut off of July 14th, 2023 . Please spread the word and register as soon as possible so that we may order supplies etc in advance!

Now on to the good stuff!

2023 Registration

Information Package
The 2023 Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo Information Package is now available for review. Participants, Volunteers, and Vendors may access it here: 2023 Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo Information Packet

General Registration Assistance
This year’s registration process will continue to utilize a “Shopping Cart” experience, allowing multiple registrations to be submitted as a single transaction. Simply add each registration to your cart, and complete the checkout process once you are ready! We have proactively created a Frequently Asked Questions page to help explain the process. Please visit this page if you have any questions and/or concerns regarding our new registration process. If you still have additional questions, please contact us at pnwlinemanrodeo@gmail.com for assistance!

Volunteer Judge Registration
For 2023, Volunteer judge registrations will have the option to submit their registration online or utilize a Mail In form found in the 2023 Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo Information Packet. Based on feedback, we will continue providing this flexibility to those who prefer to print our the form and mail it in to us.

General Volunteer Registration
For 2023, General Volunteer, please utilize our online registration process and thank you for helping us facilitate another successful rodeo!

Participant Registration
For 2023, all Participants will utilize our online registration process (Apprentice and/or Journeyman Team). This process supports a “shopping cart” like experience to allow one or more registrations be submitted at once utilizing a single payment. Simply complete the registration form, and add a registration to your shopping cart. On the shopping cart page, you will be provided the option to “Continue Shopping”. Click this link to return to the registration page, and continue adding additional registrations (as needed) into your shopping cart.
Once you have added all your registrations, proceed to checkout, and submit your registration.
Please note, you are welcome to add both participants and volunteers in a single shopping cart instance.

Vendor Registation
For 2023, Vendors will utilize our online registration process.
Simply complete the registration form, and add the registration to your shopping cart. On the shopping cart page, simply click “Proceed to Checkout”, provide payment information, and “Submit” your order.

See you at the Rodeo!

Joel Wallace
Pacific Northwest Lineman Rodeo